About Evanston Lawyers

    Not only did I learn that I needed to read my apartment contract more carefully, we got to delve into a truly professional and storied business.

    This site had to have the feel of professionalism and power, all while maintaining a personable and human touch. This was accomplished with the black and heavy gold accents.

    Seeing as our team was made up of website designers and developers and not of lawyers covering a spectrum of issues, we got the clients entire company in on writing the content for their own site. It was almost like Crowd-sourcing the website’s content, and it worked amazingly. The employees at this law firm exceeded the expectations of both the client and our team with their responses and involvement. In no time at all we, the team here at Sunleaf, had more than enough to add into the website. The finished product was something that everyone at the law firm could be proud of because they had all contributed to it in some way or another.

    This collaborative effort helped the law firm find a sense of identity that was then turned into a website. The final result was a website that was made by the law firm, for their law firm (with the help of our amazing team here at Sunleaf of course!)